- Gregoric Style Dilineator: Dominant towards Concrete Random. Most notable is a tendency to "sit on the cutting edge of cutting edge" and rely heavily on intuition.
- Goleman Leadership Model: Coaching style, developing people for the future, developing others with empathy and self-awareness.
- Disc Classic Personal Profile System: Counselor profile pattern, influencing people through personal relationships, listening to others, and looking for the good in others.
Personality Type (Myer's-Briggs Test):
Famous ENFJ's: Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Barrack Obama, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Peyton Manning, Matthew McConaughey and Ben Stiller.
Multiple Intelligences:
EQ (Emotional Intelligence): 120 out of 155 or the 91st percentile. Areas I needed to work on were rumination and assertiveness. Strengths included having an approach to problem solving that is conducive to resolution, good resilience and coping skills, and driven toward self-improvement. Competency Breakdown
Learning Style:
European Language Portfolio